Pain Management Options
The procedure method is a simple medical procedure that usually takes 3–20 minutes (depending on how far you are into your pregnancy). Our physicians use a vacuum aspiration technique to remove the contents of the uterus.
Patients can choose to be:
- Awake with local anesthetic (numbing of the cervix)
- Awake with local anesthetic, along with medication to help you feel more relaxed prior to your procedure
- Awake with Conscious Sedation. 2 medications are given through IV: one for pain managment and a relaxant that makes most patients drift in and out of sleep
After your Procedure abortion
After your procedure abortion, you will rest in the recovery room for 20-45 minutes. During that time, we will monitor your vital signs (blood pressure and pulse), and review your Aftercare Instructions. If your blood type is Rh negative, a nurse will administer an injection of Rhogam.
Call us first if you have a problem: 877-342-5292
- Call any time (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for post abortion problems.
- Our abortion Aftercare Instructions can help you evaluate if what you are experiencing is normal.
- Call during office hours for birth control information, scheduling appointments, emergency contraception, and other questions.
Procedure abortion
5-13 weeks:
A local anesthetic will be injected into the cervix. The injection may cause a pinching and burning sensation that lasts about 3-5 seconds.
The cervix will be gently dilated and a small sterile tube will be inserted into the uterus. A light suction will then be used to remove the contents of the uterus.
14-18 weeks:
Some additional care is necessary for people who are over 14 weeks. Prior to the start of the procedure, small dilating rods called laminaria will be inserted into the cervix in order to dilate the cervix slowly. Some people may experience mild to moderate menstrual-type cramps during the insertion.
19-20+6 weeks:
For abortions over 19 weeks, the dilators must remain in place overnight. People who are between 19 and 20+6 weeks will come to AWC for laminaria insertion and return to the clinic the next morning for their surgeries. These laminaria will be removed prior to the start of the abortion procedure.